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About Us

A warm welcome to each-and-every one of you. This is SEF centre, (SEF=salus et felicitas, which means health and happiness in Latin.) This is the culmination of our considerable experience within the health and fitness world. This site could be considered a “wellness” site however we are at pains to point out what our vision of wellness is. Wellness, at its core is “living well”, and should be fun, enjoyable and make you happy! Sadly, the idea of wellness has been perverted into a miserable, competitive and indeed pseudoscientific mystical wonderland that requires huge amounts of time, effort and money in order to reap any so-called benefit. 

Within this site we hope to build a community (or huge family!) and safe space of genuinely supportive, like-minded individuals who lift each other up. There will be no competitiveness, no selfies/videos of steroid taking muscle clad men, and photoshopped, mostly naked, barbie shaped women, performing impossible yoga poses-there is more than enough of this to go around on other platforms!

What you will get is a lot of straightforward, scientifically informed information, advice and tips as well as work outs to fit into any schedule. There are HIIT, aerobic, martial arts, bodyweight, resistance band, kettlebells and ab workouts ranging from 5-30 minutes, as well as yoga and Pilates. There are also comprehensive guides on meditation as well as nutrition. Work is ongoing on our Older Person’s section so keep an eye out for that. Additionally, in our Health Section, we have Dr Lauren Bull, famed for her no nonsense, debunking and straightforward approach tackling all manner of medical issues.

Finally, we invite you to check the forum and blog where you can ask questions, post your own tips and encourage and support each other! Once again, we are delighted to warmly welcome you into our family!
Salus et felicitas

Dr Lauren Bull

My name is Lauren and I’m sending you a big smile!
My academic background is in medicine. I have a first-class honours BSc and graduated with honours in medicine (MBBS) in the top 10 of my year from Imperial College, London. I also have a Masters Degree (MSc) in Public Health and have a number of peer reviewed research articles and national/international presentations. I am a consultant in Sexual Health, Genitourinary Medicine, Contraception and HIV Medicine at a leading teaching hospital trust in West London.

I’m a qualified personal trainer, aerobics instructor, Yoga and Pilates teacher, Meditation teacher and student of Western Medical Acupuncture. I also have special interest in pre and post-natal exercise and exercise for older adults. Additionally, Jason and I developed Bullet Bounce the world’s first trampoline park based choreographed exercise class that is now a CIMPSA recognised training qualification.

Although my work is split into two separate streams, clearly they are both hugely complementary. As such I have a unique insight into holistic health and wellbeing not afforded to most of my contemporaries. Furthermore, I’m also, most importantly, a mother of three beautiful children.  I’m acutely aware of the challenges both physically and mentally that this transition brings and as such can offer well rounded information and advice. It makes me very happy indeed to finally get this site up (there’s been a shortage of time in recent years!) and my genuine hope and wish is that each and every one of you gets fulfilment, pleasure and satisfaction here!

Jason Bull

Hi I’m Jason and I’m delighted you’ve joined us! I’ve been working in the fitness industry in one guise or another for nearly three decades. I spent a significant period working for an artist development company, training celebrities and up-and-coming entertainment artists. I transitioned to working full time in fitness as that is where my true passion lies. I have specialist qualifications in obesity and weight loss management as well as GP referred patients with chronic medical conditions. I have a huge amount of experience and specialist knowledge in body weight and free weight exercises which I incorporate into my personal training. As a qualified Yoga teacher, I have studied various disciplines and was also one of the pioneers of hip-hop Yoga. I’m also a Pilates teacher as well as qualified in children’s exercise. Martial arts have been a lifelong passion of mine right back to my amateur western and thai-boxing days as a teenager! As such this frequently appears in my training and work outs.
I put my successful personal training career down to the fact that I’m whole person centred, and as such take a holistic view of my clients, as well as maintaining the highest professional standards. I’m particularly interested in longevity and changes in our physiology and the cellular basis of aging and how we respond to food and exercise as we age and am on a mission to prove that health and fitness are not the preserve of the youth! Lauren, myself and the kids extend a warm welcome from our family to yours.