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Firstly, a disclaimer. On this site you will find information (lots of it), evidence, science, tips and ideas. There will be no 12-week plan for you to follow to the letter promising you results. Why? Because this is a nonsense. In our opinion the way to consistent healthy dietary intake (whether for maintenance or weight loss) is to have a greater understanding and knowledge of what you are doing, and what works for you. There is a growing consensus of opinion that dictating exactly what people should eat in each meal, may help them in the short term-but it’s not helpful in the long term. Are you going to follow that 12-week plan forever?! Therefore, you are highly likely to revert back to eating exactly the way you were before. Additionally, severely restrictive diets, or those that advocate cutting out certain food groups entirely are very rarely sustainable in the long term —they aren’t meant to be, although that doesn’t mean they are not “successful” in the short term. Furthermore, many diets promising improved health are based on questionable science.

It can be extremely difficult to navigate nutrition and the world of diets, when marketing and media rush to laud the next big diet, the latest idea or indeed the supposed research that “changes everything you knew” about nutrition. It os very important to remember that the style of reporting often distorts scientific details, so that what you are reading may not accurately represent the findings-headlines need to grab attention!. Rarely is there cataclysmic substantial new evidence that changes everything. Furthermore, when there often seems to be purported experts disagreeing about the “right” way to do things and then you factor in competing agencies, e.g. studies that are funded by a particular food or lobby group (with biased results) to throw just enough doubt about what is better or healthier; and it all leads to some very confusing mixed messages. Additionally, most nutritional evidence has come from large observational studies that started decades ago, and many rely on memory recall or food diary which can be notoriously inaccurate. So, it’s fair to say we definitely do not yet have all the answers; a void that is easily exploited by those who wish to make a profit!

Within this section we try to unpick exactly what is a “healthy diet”. We will examine the latest scientific thinking with regards to calories and the (in)effectiveness of counting calories, as well as look at the low fat versus low carb debate and insulin and insulin resistance. There is information with regards to specific dietary approaches, eg paleo, ketogenic, plant based, as well as various types of fasting. Equally importantly we discuss food psychology and mindful eating. And that’s not all!  
So-just to repeat, no 12 week plan- but LOTS of important information! As well as ideas, tips and recipes! Join us in the forum for further debate and conversation about the topics!