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Reiki Healing

We live in a modern, fast-paced and hyper-connected world. Technology brings us amazing tools and resources as well as huge advances and opportunities. This world however, is also rife with exhaustion, stress and loneliness to name but a few.


How do we find a moment of tranquillity in this storm? How do we prevent or help ease feelings of burn out, stress or anxiety? Turning our attention inward and calming the mind from the inside. Meditation has been practised in various forms for thousands of years and its known and potential benefits are boundless.


Most of you will have heard of meditation, and perhaps many of you will have been, or are, sceptical, perhaps even scornful. “I can’t do that-what a waste of time” “ I haven’t got the time” “ I cant sit still-there’s no way I could do that” “what a load of hippy crap” “ive got too much going on in my head-how could I ever possibly empty my mind?!” 

Speaking from personal experience, I was always under the impression that in order to meditate “properly” one had to be sitting in full lotus position with a look of absolute serenity for 3 hours! This is however, simply not true!! ANYONE can meditate, and absolutely EVERYONE should!!
This section will cover what is, and what is not, meditation. Takes you on a brief stroll through the history of meditation, before examining its benefits. We will then explore different methods of meditation with different examples, and answer questions such as “what is the difference between mindfulness and meditation” “ what’s the difference between mantra and affirmations”. New meditations will be added regularly, and there are several practical tips to help you on your meditation journey, including how to get started!
We look forward to sharing and hearing about your experiences!
With kind, calm and loving thoughts.